Types and Kinds of Stevia

Stevia et Santé

Many people believe that all types of stevia are the same. Instead, there are many differences between each type. The sweetness of Stevia essentially depends on a set of geographic conditions such as soil, climate, altitude, and especially the cultivated variety. To compare and describe a Stevia plant, it is compulsory to consider two very important aspects:

The stevia rich in stevioside releases a slightly bitter aftertaste. However, this active ingredient stimulates the pancreas and helps to produce insulin in patients with type II diabetes.

The stevia which contains a high percentage of rebaudioside A has a taste closest to sugar aroma. They have a nobler flavor from leaves or extracts. Refined with a content of Rebaudioside “A” greater than 97.5 % purity extracts there are the only products authorized in the European Union.

The history of SteviaFeuille Stevia 2


The first plant Stevia is native to the tropic of Capricorn at 23 ° 27 ‘south latitude Paraguay, whose territory is marked by the existence of lakes, rivers, 800m altitude, and high temperature more a high humidity throughout the year; coincidence or not also grows in this area many edible mushrooms with a nutritional and medicinal value .

The Guarani Indians are the first ones who have used this exotic and majestic plant to sweeten their drinks and meals.

It is believed that Stevia was also in the diet of the Incas because this region was part of the Inca Empire area and the existence of trade flows and trade relations between these regions has been demonstrated.

Broadcast worldwide

The cultivation of Stevia began after the year 1901. The first factory was created by Dr. Moises Santiago Bertoni, and at the same time the chemist Reabaudi Ovidio was able to isolate the chemical principles sweeteners.

In 1908, began in Puerto-Bertoni the first commercial cultivation in Paraguay. This was the starting point for entrepreneurs, European and Asian scientists to greatly interest them in the development and study of the Stevia plant.

Nowadays, Latin America and Asian countries lead by the top the Stevia leaves production and other products made ​​from them. Today, Stevia is the consumer product with more projection of growth on the planet: it may become the second petrol!

How to grow Stevia?

It now grows around the world, whether in pots, orchards, gardens or in greenhouses.

Best Stevia plants are located in the area between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

The variety of the regions where Stevia is grown plays a major role in determining its flavor; the terrain, the climate and the treatments used all influence the taste of the leaves and thus derivatives.

Geographically, there are two main regions which produce Stevia: Latin America, where it is originated, and Asia-Pacific.

Some Stevia plants can reach up to 1 to 1.5 meters in height, this strain is used for production of the non- leaf and stem

The Stevia plant can be harvested once per season, the yield is 5 grams or 20 grams per plant per year, you can get 2 grams of refined sweeteners (steviol glycosides). It needs therefore an entire year to produce what a person could consume in a day!

There are four species of stevia plants important from a commercial point of view: Stevia Creole or Native, Morita II Stevia, Stevia Eiritee and Stevia JBB.

The fundamental differences between Creole and indigenous varieties are breeding plants and content of steviol glycosides.

Although the original Stevia can be reproduced from seed and very adaptable to different agro-environmental conditions, its performance is only producing 12% of steviol glycosides.

Morita II plants belong to varieties holding a high percentage of rebaudioside A; they grow best in tropical climates, has a nobler and sweeter flavor than other species. It contains about 10-12 % Rebaudioside A and 2-4 % stevioside, but the culture of this type of Stevia requires more work and attention.

JBB is a Stevia plant developed by the Japanese pharmaceutical Stevia JBB, to optimize production of Stevia stems and draw very important advantages of high antioxidant presence in the content of the Stevia stem.

Stevia Eirete is developed by the Institut National Agronomique of Paraguay; its culture does not allow reproduction by seed and produces an average of 19 % of total sweeteners.

As indicated, all Stevia leaves are different and have many flavors; there are stevia low sweetness and aromatic characteristics; and others whose quality are standardized and provides better flavor.

Our Stevia leaves, Nutrastevia, are of the best quality with incomparable flavor.


At the time of harvest, the Stevia plants are adorned with beautiful green leaves, strong and organized in pairs from the lower part of the plant with its flower buds ready to burst. It is at this time that the optimum concentration is smooth, flows to a sweet taste of the leaves with a texture similar to the peppermint leaves.

Each plant has about 50 to 60 sheets in pairs and each sheet is unique, all stimulate the taste of sugar and sweet from noble way. Each leaf is a natural sweet made by magic; only four natural elements: water, sun, nutrients from the soil and air. Once dried, the leaves are ready to be consumed or transformed.

The extract powder Green Stevia

This is one of our favorite products. We call it Nutrastevia Green ®, but beware: this is much more than a simple color.

We took care that each leaf Stevia does not lose its properties during the process to deliver maximum benefits. Semi dark color tea Nutrastevia could be equal, but the texture in any case, nor its concentration and presentation.

Stevia leaves

Stevia leaves are born on the stems of the plant, they are small: 5 cm long and 2 cm wide, the widest portion of the sheet is in the middle of the upper part, or is his taste licorice and most of the concentration of steviol glycosides which accounts for 23 % of its dry weight.

Farmers, to get the green leaves of Stevia dried, are using a dry process which is the method of sun drying: with this method the natural Stevia plant is simply cut and exposed to the sun to allow the sheets to separate.

The steviol glycosides extraction process

Stevia leaves are placed in treated water or alcohol (we always use water), boiled then cooled for about an hour; this is where the transformation begins.

After a period of 12 hours of soaking, the leaves are rinsed and that gives a black tea.

This black tea is simmered for a period of 18 hours; a lot of the moisture evaporates and the liquid turns a dark brown color with high concentrations of steviol glycosides, chlorophyll, minerals, oils and other ingredients in the leaves: here is the difference between our product Nutrastevia GREEN and white Stevia.

A report by Dr. Viviana Loria, a nutritionist at the IMDEA Food Institute and an expert in nutrition and dietetics, revealed that consumption does not affect the level of dietary intake of meals. Having observed during a test reaction after using Stevia in adults with normal weight and overweight ones; both groups showed similar levels of hunger and satiety and have not increased their intake calories at the next meal. She also believes that its consumption does not affect the glycemic index or hypertension, while providing antioxidant, anti -inflammatory and anti- cancer.

Stevia VS Sucre 9

Nutrastevia is a company with over 12 years’ experience in the development and marketing of products made ​​from the plant Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni virtuous, we have in our product range Stevia powder, liquid Stevia, natural flour and Stevia dried leaves that you can easily acquire.

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